Tuesday, March 29, 2011

there's one good thing about being a young parent in montreal: you can maintain a bit of edge. if i was feeling domestic life a bit heavy i could go out alone, wander mile end or downtown and feel like i was a part of something big, some orbital culture. not true for the sunshine coast. i'm not complaining, obviously when seeking a more rural life here i was aware and appreciative that these two worlds are almost opposites. but today i am feeling a little nostalgic for montreal, for some stimulus, friends, an excellent coffee and the industrial landscape of saint henri. it's a quiet, grey, homey day here and the baby is asleep. alex is working now (right now he's ripping a roof off an hexagonal cabin on gambier island), so i've resumed full-time housewife and mother role. finding some harmony in this a little more challenging since i'm not i'm my own home, but what can you do.
i've been thinking a lot about going back to university in september. i'm really looking forward to it, but i'm curious and a little anxious to see how i can balance these different roles and selves when the time comes. i wonder about where my inspiration will come from without a bit of edge in my life. i'm not worried about keeping up with fiction, but i'm inexperienced with creative non-fiction and suspect i have way less exciting things to write about now than i did when i was younger. this blog was supposed to be an exercises of non-fictional writing, a source of challenge, a place to be episodic and focused, or just to practice when all else fails. i've lost sight of that and am feeling uninspired by the gradual tilt this space has taken into the intimate going-ons of the days.

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