Sunday, April 3, 2011

little pequeno

Sebastian is almost eight months old! Last night while we were all sitting around at the dinner table he started going "umum mum mum mum mum" and we laughed, trying to figure out if we should count this as his first word. It was undecided until this morning when he woke up, looked at Alex and I and exclaimed "pa pa pa pa pa mum mum mum pa pa pa mum mum" then proceeded to throw "dad" in there later in the day. Before yesterday I hadn't heard him make either of these sounds. It kind of blew our minds. Further impressing us, he's starting to "wave" (actually he just holds his hand up high in the air when we wave at him, but he gets it).
Okay, I'll stop being a boring braggy parent and acknowledge that these are utterly mundane and obvious baby things to do. But I'm still fully impressed and proud.

Besides these things, he's really a ham. I don't think he's happier than when he's in a cafe or the grocery store and he can grin at all the random people. He's a charmer, for sure. Naturally he's also become a good old fashioned trouble maker. He's crawling and standing up, which means no piece of paper, book, plant, electrical cord, cup of coffee etc is safe if remotely in reach. If we leave a room, he follows us. Sometimes he stands at the top of the stairs holding onto the baby gate waiting for whoever is missing to come home.

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