Tuesday, January 25, 2011

au revior montreal

Some Saint Henri sights: 
the canal

the tracks

crazy abandonded saint amboise factory

crazy abandonded saint amboise factory
We have three weeks left in Montreal. I don't think either Alex or I have given it that much thought, as though packing up our belongings wasn't a subsequent event to deciding it was time to leave. But our diminishing time here dawned on me today, and it also dawned on me that a. THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR SINCE THE DAY I ARRIVED and b. I'm a little sad about it. Naturally I will romanticize and crave Montreal days at some point, and rightly so. There have been some good times here. Trudging on into God-knows-what is a little intimidating at time, especially with a baby, especially with both of us living off government benefits and I think subconsciously it's holding back my overwhelming enthusiasm for getting the hell on with my life after this bizarre year and a half. But when I think about the future for even a moment, I know it's going to be great and I'm not worried. I want to hold onto that rationality for our last few weeks here so I don't feel overwhelmed, but also so I don't miss out on what it feels like to finally leave this city once and for all. Because I think I deserve that.

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