Sunday, March 17, 2013


Thanks to an amazing toddler art program in this town, Sebastian is a devoted crafter. He's been going to Little Hands for almost two years now, but this winter has really emphasized his love for art. We often go twice a week; the class give us a schedule, ensures lots of socializing for us both and gets us out of the house on cold, rainy days. There's never been a day when he doesn't insist on going to art class. 
At home, he rotates between painting, cutting up his art, and play dough. Some days it feels like all I do is set up art and painstakingly get him to clean up art stations. But I guess it's worth it. 
This week was the Shout Out Art Show for kids on the Sunshine Coast. Let me tell you, we had one proud little artist on our hands. We went for the opening gala and celebrated the new Gibsons Public Art Gallery, a big open space much better than the cramped gallery we've had forever. There were tons of kids running around, and kids aged two to 16 and so much impressive and adorable art. 

Nana, Petit Artist (with monkey), Papa and Grandpa 

A look of awe and excitement. The gallery was bustling

The drawing

Posing with Nana

After, he was treated to dinner at a greek restaurant and ice cream. I think it was one of his favourite days. It was also the one year anniversary of my Pop's death, so it was fitting to all be together and take a moment to think of him.

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