Sunday, December 2, 2012


Sebastian's imagination has leapt lately. He went from mimicking to roaming through a whole private world in what seemed a matter of days. He tells stories. One night over dinner he told us that I didn't give birth to him but that he came from goats. He's friends with the sky, water and mountains and also fireworks (of course). He's apparently going backpacking with his friends, first outside then upstairs. 
He seems to have a reoccurring dream about "cars in the balls!" and he talks a lot to his baby dolls and stuffed animals and sometimes they seem to talk back.
Around the time this started happened, he also became more aware of something almost etherial. He mentioned people around us matter-of-factly when we were alone. Like, "Someones in the kitchen, Mama" and "Who's behind us?" when we're walking alone up the stairs from the beach, or "There's a guy in the bathroom waiting." One day a guy with face tattoos came in and played Duplo with him. Other times our neighbour, kind of  strange and visually compelling man, is apparently in the house and Sebastian has nicknamed him "wormy guy" (just waiting for that one to slip out face-to-face).  
I never assumed he was using his imagination. When he uses his imagination you can see his mind working, he's transparent or overly focused on being casual. When he mentions these people he's stating fact. It's been a bit chilling at times. I've caught myself investigating rooms to make sure no one has broken into our house. I've asked him for details. 
But I guess it doesn't surprise me. I'm sensitive to spirits, too and so is Alex. When Sebastian was born the apartment felt crammed with spirits to the point where I would have constant nagging dreams about them, only to wake and find myself still with them. They were there for Sebastian, curious and sometimes overbearing. When I asked them to leave they left. 
It doesn't surprise me because I know a lot of kids are like this. A few of my friends have chilling stories from when their kids were Sebastian's age. I talk about it with people, but the more he overhears the more he's aware of it, and I think that dilutes it. 

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