Tuesday, July 5, 2011

So, my camera broke. At least I think it did. I haven't given up hope yet but it doesn't look good. I suspect a single grain of sand in the lens. Sigh. There will be no more photos of the wee lad until further notice.
This leads me to consider the ridiculousness of a disposable culture. Computers, cameras, ipods, cellphones... these inventions are not meant to last more than a couple years because, obviously, by then we should have moved onto better, more impressive models. Well, when you're someone who doesn't give a shit about impressing yourself or others but just wants the many hundreds of dollars spent on each little piece of technology to function with a reasonable level of reliability, this culture is very frustrating. Thinking of all the crap like this going into the landfill is basically one of the most stressful things for me. The saddest part is that at this point in our lives I really, for the first time, value having a camera. I have come to love taking photos of Sebastian, our life, our home, the town etc... and sharing them, saving them for year to come. So now what?
I don't have the energy for a rant right now. I think we all know how it would sound. 

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