Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Aside from not having any new photos, I don't have much to say. The last week or two has left me drained. A combination of the family's seven-days-a-week work schedule, house guests, lack of sleep and so on. In times like this I think about weaning Sebastian more seriously. He'll be a year old in a couple weeks, which is the World Health Organization's recommended duration for breastfeeding. Not that I really care about what WHO has to say., and in fact I think it recommends breastfeeding for as long as possible after a year. Weaning is something that's been in the back of my mind for a few months now, probably since the thrush fiasco. I haven't thought about it seriously because I knew neither Sebastian nor I were ready, I wasn't going to wean him before his first birthday, and I wasn't by any means eager to stop. But, these days especially, I am increasingly aware of how independent he's becoming and also how physically demanding breastfeeding can be. Foolishly, and conflictingly because I don't really believe in taking supplements, I haven't regularly taken vitamins while nursing, and we've undergone a lot of changes and stresses in the last year. With the stable, relaxing yet continually demanding schedule of the summer I can finally take a breath, take some perspective and recognize how much energy this last year, last two years, has taken. I gave a lot of myself moving to Montreal, a lot of myself being pregnant, and a lot of myself to nurturing my son. Now I think I'm ready to start taking a bit back for myself. Travelling to Vancouver for grad school in September will certainly be a remedy that I'm looking forward to. But it will be physically taxing no doubt, and that's the main issue I have with breastfeeding these days. I can feel my body being extended a bit farther then it can handle. I'm eating well, lots of fresh veggies from the garden are now filtering into our kitchen, and I'm consuming more meat than I probably ever have from working at The Shed. I've switched to green tea instead of coffee for a while, and I'm taking really good quality Herbalife multi vitamins. I guess I don't want to weaning Sebastian to come from a negative place. I'd like to fully acknowledge what I'm doing, because I know it will be hard for him and I know it will emotional for me. So for now I'm trying to take better care of myself and I'm encouraging him to nurse less. By the time September comes around he might be down to a couple times a day, which would be a huge improvement for me, or I might just have more energy to give him. We'll see.

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