Monday, August 29, 2011

Sebastian is starting to sign, which is exciting, although it doesn't seem like the dam has broken, so to speak. I remember when Olive learned to sign, seemingly all of a sudden, and as though she suddenly understood something wonderful about communication. I remember one day babysitting her and she just signed for food constantly. I think all we did that day was eat and eat and eat because it was a remarkable cause and effect for her. I think the fact that someone other than her parents understood and responded to sign language helped her understand the implication of a sign. But Sebastian is more of a pointer and yeller. I guess it's an effective form of communication on it's own; he usually gets what he's after pretty quickly despite our efforts to always show him the sign first. His "sign" for milk is to wiggle down in my arms as far as he can or just shove his hand down my shirt. His sign for "eat" or "more" is, like I said, just pointing and whining or yelling. It's funny teaching him to use the signs instead because although they are less annoying and somehow more impressive, they're likely less effective. I don't always catch his signs, but I do always hear him when he yells. Sometime I question whether or not it's worth it. I guess if he ever learns more sophisticated words like "cat" or "diaper" it will be worthwhile. Right now he signs "all done." It's an interesting first sign because in signing all done he's not asking for more, but just acknowledging the situation and shows us that he understands. Occasionally he seems to be signing for food. It's a tricky one to recognize because his fingers are often in his mouth. Today we stopped off at the Jean's, the food co-op out in the boonies, and he signed "eat" and pointed at the building. So I took him inside and bought him some strawberries. Lucky kid. 

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