Monday, June 3, 2013


I convinced Sebi that his friends accidentally gave him a real tattoo (as seen on forearm). I even went as far as to stage a fake phone conversation confirming that his friends had a "real" tattoo in their house and now it was missing, so it must have ended up on Sebi by accident. Sigh.
I have a relentless ability to tease, I don't know what's wrong with me. Anyways, he was kind of concerned but tried really hard not to show it. Then my dad caught wind of my joke a few days later and said, "Listen kid, she's messing with you." So, now we're back to just loving fake tattoos. 
This glittery snail is the best. A beautiful little hippy girl painted it on him with a stencil at the farmer's market the other day. She was a pro. I think he's going to get another one tomorrow. 

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