Monday, June 3, 2013

The Great Pumpkin Experiment

Remember my pumpkin experiment? Putting pumpkins in the ground two months early against all expert advice? Well... It's looking pretty lush now. This garden bed is amazing. It gets full sun from sunrise to sunset, and is a raised rock bed which means the soil is incredibly warm. We'll be eating pumpkins all winter long at this rate. I've also planted some corn and runner beans amongst these monsters. This trio is commonly referred to as The Three Sisters. 
The squash rambles and suppresses weeds, the beans act as a nitrogen fixer for the soil, and the corn provides a stake for the beans to run up. 


I convinced Sebi that his friends accidentally gave him a real tattoo (as seen on forearm). I even went as far as to stage a fake phone conversation confirming that his friends had a "real" tattoo in their house and now it was missing, so it must have ended up on Sebi by accident. Sigh.
I have a relentless ability to tease, I don't know what's wrong with me. Anyways, he was kind of concerned but tried really hard not to show it. Then my dad caught wind of my joke a few days later and said, "Listen kid, she's messing with you." So, now we're back to just loving fake tattoos. 
This glittery snail is the best. A beautiful little hippy girl painted it on him with a stencil at the farmer's market the other day. She was a pro. I think he's going to get another one tomorrow.