Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sebastian's imagination is roaming these days. He talks about impossibles that quickly become truths around the house. For example, Sebastian and Poppy go to work together in their "car-car" and we have to bid them farewell. This usually happens on Sunday, the one day of solid family time for us. I say, "Hey Sebi, neither Mama or Papa have to go to work today!" and he replies, with a serious look, that he in fact is heading off with Poppy. Fair enough. He also works with Shed staff in various awesome places, such as "sky!" or "in a boat!" At first some Mom-guilt set in about his boundless imagination settling on the mundane, work of all things, but I quickly realized it's a form of mimicking and relating, and it's fine. 
Work is a big topic around here, though, especially this summer. When I'm not down at the taco stand on the weekend, Sebastian often has to endure my long phone conversations about Shed logistics, stock orders, or run out with me mid-day when I'm not supposed to be working. There are other sorts of work, too, of course. Laundry, cooking, gardening, cleaning and so on. And emails to UBC, bouts of editing and reading for my freelance stuff. Alex is working four days a week on Keats as well, and throughout the day Sebi often checks in with me to makes sure that Papa is in fact at work. 
He doesn't ever seem frustrated about all this work, although the transition back into the summer schedule made him clingy for a couple of weeks. We make sure to lay as low as possible whenever we can. Most days we play in the garden or go for walks. I like to think it keeps us sane. 

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