Thursday, May 3, 2012

Good riddance, April. I did not care for that month at all. 
Here are the things we have done in the last thirty days: I finished my first year of grad school, we moved, I started training to run the old taco stand this summer, Alex returned to full-time work, and we planted about two hundred seedlings in the garden.  It doesn't seem so impressive when I write it all down, but rest assured, we're sufficiently wiped and are still waiting for that time when things will get back to "normal."There are endless projects to do around the new house. We've moved from about a 650sq suite to a 1700 sq house all to ourselves, plus a basement, plus a 100 sq cottage in the garden. It's awesome and overwhelming. We have all of our furniture in the house and it still echoes a little! Ridiculous, I know; we're a little embarrassed. However, it's such a lovely place that we plan to be in for years. I have been a bit slack with the picture-taking because I can't remember where I packed the camera charger... 
Even though our house is ridiculously more "grown-up" than our last situations, I think we're all feeling a bit more grounded and rustic here. We heat the house with an iron stove, and have been splitting wood under the deck each evening to get it all stacked and organized before the winter wood starts coming in. I've been out mowing the lawn with our push mower and getting a significant workout between the two chores. There's something so satisfying with having a space all to our own, somewhere we can put real thought into, take responsibility and just be left alone to live our lives. Sebastian and I are outside all day in the yard, watching the plants grow, digging in the dirt, looking at the bugs. We don't have to worry about an irate landlord charging through, or about being in anyone else's space. It feels good, really. 
And there is so much to do, sometimes it's easy to forget that we actually have all the time in the world for most projects. 

Upcoming projects:
Garden gate (I've had to rescue a ball or two from the road)
More planting, more weeding, more seedlings
Hang curtains (tricky because our ceilings are so very high, poor us)

Cold frame for seedlings
Bookshelves (our books have been packed for YEARSandyears)
Entrance-way bench/contraption for shoes, coats, keys etc... 

Tentative projects:
Chicken coop
Sebastian and the "baby plants"

Sebastian recently informed me that he's a "gurl" and has a baby in his womb. I don't see it.

This little bear just came into our house and started pretending to chop our firewood. 

Sebastian and the new yard.

Part of the yard and the cottage.

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